Traditional publishing with literary agent Jacqui Lipton
Jacqui Lipton
Show notes
In this continuation of our Writers’ Room workshop with Lawyer and Literary Agent, Jacqueline Lipton, we cover a variety of topics. She shares a little about her literary agency make-up (it’s a kidlit agency ranging from Picture Books to YA, but Jacqui does rep some adult authors), what do they do with queries? What is a ‘difficult’ potential client? Do I need an agent, or can I self-publish? If I have self-published, can I get an agent and go the traditional route? Navigating ‘hybrid’ publishing careers . . . Do you want to control you work 100 per cent? Don’t release your first chapters if you’re trying to go the traditional publishing route! Your ‘platform’ – engagement in the industry. Publishing Paid Me – What is the state of advances and how they are paid out? The benefits of enlisting a PR firm or agent. Non-fiction proposal pitching/transition from journalism to books. More ‘when/why do I need an agent?’ . . . are you looking for someone to manage your career? Are you just publishing one project?