WHEELS UP!: Tales from the cockpit
She commandeers a big steel bird up in the sky. She travels like she has wheels on her heels. She spends a third of her life in the skies. There are times when she and her husband meet more at the airport than at home. For as long as she is in this job, she will have to sit for exams every six months. Waking up at 4 am is part of her life. Living by the alarm clock week after week has sent her body clock out of whack.And yet, she won’t give up this life for anything else. Because Captain Aparajita Jain, a pilot with Ind Air, is in love with what she does. Flying aircraft gives her a high. As does ensuring that her passengers safely reach their destinations. The camaraderie among pilots, the exciting challenges, and visiting different cities – all this keeps her spirits up. “Wheels Up!” is a fascinating behind-the-scenes account of the life of an airline pilot. It brings alive the tension, anxiety, dedication, practice and juggling of responsibilities that lie behind the façade of a glamorous lifestyle. A breezy, engaging read, it will enhance your respect for pilots and airline crew by several notches.The true stories of congestion, flight diversions, flight delays, inflight emergencies, turbulence.Myths and misconceptions about cockpit automation. Gender gradient in the cockpit.It covers a wide spectrum of topics. Starting from aircraft to airport experiences to nightstays in different countries. Each chapter is her journey towards becoming not just a better pilot but a better person.Author, Priya Jain is a poet and has included poetry in few of her chapters which she has written either by the beach or seeing the Goan sunrise. Whether you are a pilot fitting in her shoes, or an aspiring pilot looking for an insight or someone who believes in the idea of life is going beyond ordinary everyday, this book is for you.