Till We Meet Again: A Novel

Eve dared. . . Eve, with passion that overruled her total innocence, ran away from home to live in unrepentant sin; won stardom singing on the stage of the Parisian music halls before Worlds War I; married into the world of international diplomacy; and become the greatest lady Champagne.  Eve’s younger daughter, Freddy, inherited all of her mother’s recklessness.  Growing up in California, she became a pilot by sixteen; throughout World War II she ferried war planes in Britain–a glorious redhead who captured men with one humorous, challenging glance.  Eve’s elder daughter, Delphine, exquisite, gifted, and wild, romped through the nightlife of Hollywood of the thirties.  On a whim, she made a screen test in Paris and soon found herself a great star of French films.  She chose to risk her life in occupied France because of a love that transformed her frivolity into courage.

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