The Fire Truck That Could Fly

When a forest fire starts in a remote mountain area with no roads nearby, a Chinook helicopter crew is called to the rescue. Will the brave firefighters be able to stop the blaze?

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About the Author

Patricia created Huey’s Books to publish books for her niece, Eddy. She wanted to show her about the MEDEVAC mission and how the Army National Guard use their aircraft stateside. Patricia loves aviation and getting to be a part of it on both the military and civilian sides.

Patricia has a Commercial Helicopter, Commercial Single & Multi Engine Airplane, and Instrument pilot’s license, as well as a master’s degree in Aeronautical Science with a focus on Human Factors in Aviation. In her free time she enjoys exploring the outdoors with her dog Huey, especially around her home in Helena, MT. She’s published and written “The Ambulance That Could Fly” (2022) and “The Fire Truck That Could Fly” (2023).

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