Escaping the Blaze: The Coast Guard Adventures of Dolph and Gwen
Trapped! Two families are trapped by an approaching wild fire and need helping escaping the blaze, fast!
Dolph, a Coast Guard HH-65 “Dolphin” rescue helicopter and his pilot, Gwen, quickly respond to the urgent call of eight people needing rescue from an approaching fire. This mission is an unprecedented challenge for Dolph and Gwen, accustomed to water rescues. This mission will require unwavering courage, skilled teamwork, and trust.
Two families, four adults and four children, are enjoying a stay at a remote 100-year-old Lightkeepers House, located at the end of a long narrow peninsula. Not far from their lodging, a strong wind has whipped a smoldering campfire into a grass-fire sending up a column of smoke. The smell of smoke is the first clue that something is amiss. An investigation of the source of the smoke revels a line of flames stretching the width of the peninsula moving toward them. High tides make escaping the fire along the beach impossible. They’re trapped!
Dolph, Gwen, the Rescue Swimmer (Sam) and the Flight Mech (Mike) must work together to accomplish the unusual mission. Their courage and superb skills are rewarded in the end with a surprising discovery.
The author, Darcy Guyant, is a retired Coast Guard HH-65 helicopter pilot. This story is based on an actual rescue mission flown my him.
Other books by Darcy Guyant
Into The Storm, The Coast Guard Adventures of Dolph and Gwen
To Seek and To Save, A Memoir
About the Author
**Mom’s Choice Award Winner, Gold Award (2x)**
The stories in my book series, “The Coast Guard Adventures of Dolph and Gwen”, are based on actual search and rescue missions flown by me in a HH-65 Dolphin helicopter. I am a retired U.S. Coast Guard Commander with 25 years of U.S. military service, having flown helicopters for both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Coast Guard.
My granddaughter (the real life Gwen) whose love of books, and things that fly, has been a huge inspiration to write. It’s incredibly fulfilling to cuddle up with her and read a story, especially a story written by me. I thank God for the awesome blessing of being a Grandpa.
Five things many people don’t know about me…
1. I was afraid of heights when I was a kid, even into my teenage years, It’s a bit ironic then, that I would become a professional pilot.
2. A beer commercial inspired me to become a pilot. My Senior year in high school a TV commercial depicted a Float Plane landing on a beautiful wilderness lake in Alaska. I decided right then I wanted to learn to fly and become an Alaskan Bush Pilot.
3. I’ve have NEVER flown in a Float Plane, as pilot or passenger. It’s on my bucket list. However, I have landed a helicopter on the water (that’s another story) and I have flown in Alaska extensively, as a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter pilot.
4. I have visited 49 states in the U.S. New Mexico is the only state my feet have not touched. It’s on my bucket list.
5. As a teenager I wanted to be a farmer. I loved working on my Grandpa’s farm in Central Wisconsin. A beer commercial changed the course of my life. See #2.
I now love storytelling, via my books and in person, recounting my numerous exciting adventures, and talking to kids about courage in the face of adversity, team work and trust.
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