Dorothy Swain Lewis – Women Airforce Service Pilots WWII (W.A.S.P.): A Portfolio of Bronze WASP Sculptures (Woman Pilot…

The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) WWII were the first American women to serve as military pilots in World War II. They flew every type of American military airplanes of the 1940s, but they did not fly combat as did the Russian women pilots in WWII. The WASP transported aircraft between bases, delivered aircraft after repairs, flew tow targets for service men to practice shooting and performed duties that gave relief for male pilots. Dot logged over 140 hours in the B-26 Marauder as co-pilot.Artist, Teacher, Horsewoman and Women Airforce Service Pilot WWII, Dorothy Swain Lewis, traveled the country to pursue her dream as an artist. Born in Asheville, North Carolina, Dot studied art in Chicago at the Art Institute and taught at The Orme School in Mayer, Arizona where she lived with her son Chig and kept her horse.

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