Daring Mary Aviation Pioneer
A true story about a girl who knew she could do anything, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
nA groundbreaking pilot, one of the first women airline pilots in the United States, tells a charming story of how she overcame every obstacle in her path to achieve her dream.
nEncouraged by her father she began flying lessons in high school, along with her five siblings. She acquired her ratings and went looking for flying jobs, only to find out that no one wanted to hire a woman pilot!
nA heartwarming story about the beginnings of an aviation pioneer, it’s sure to entertain and inspire young women today. She is available today to speak at schools libraries and other events.
n1.Daring Mary is a fun book for someone to read to a child. But it is much more than a fun read. Daring Mary follows the dream of an actual young girl, Mary Shipko, who wanted to fly airplanes and even make a career as a professional pilot. This little book teaches that perseverance and hard work can make dreams come true. It is an excellent source of information for someone who would like to learn to fly and an inspiration for girls, and boys alike. Even for moms and dads.
nJeff Lydy, retired attorney
n2. From my first read of “Daring Mary” my interest was captured and it was hard to be patient in turning the page. The story will attract readers from a large span of ages.
nThe way the story in verse is integrated with colorful illustrations makes it easy to read and catchy enough to get you to move on to the next message. Then in the finale to realize it is a true story of accomplishment, makes the reader want to ponder the underlying message for some time.
nIn my opinion, this will not only be a good storybook but with the addition of flying requirements it will be perfect for career searching high schoolers. Jeannine Moyle
n3.Daring Mary is a true story that should inspire young girls to reach beyond the barriers that cloud their goals.
nMary had support to learn her skills but she used her own determination and perseverance to actually get jobs
nand make her own path to success.
nThe added information at the end offers specific directions about ways to move into the process of finding the right people
nand organizations to contact. Vicki Williams, retired school teacher
n4. This book is a great inspirational story for kids, especially young girls. A huge thanks to the author for sharing her story with the world!
n-Matt Rogers
n5. I really enjoyed reading this book. As a young girl, I loved learning the story of a brave woman who has done big things! Go Mary!
n-Makenna, age 14
n6. This book was great. I loved reading about Mary’s strength and bravery. I hope I can accomplish things like her when I grow up.
n-Emmery, age 10