Beyond Haiku: Pilots Write Poetry

Captain Linda Pauwels

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Captain Linda Pauwels on Beyond Haiku: Pilots Write Poetry, and her upcoming project Women Pilots Write Poetry. She’s requesting submissions! Proceeds will go to support scholarships for women pursuing flying careers. Captain Linda Pauwels is calling on women pilots from the four corners of the world to submit poetry for her second book Beyond Haiku: Women Pilots Write Poetry. The themes in this book will be 1) On Strength and Endurance, 2) On Radiance and Beauty, 3) On Love of Flying, and 4) On Finding Balance. Vignettes on Blood Ties will feature poetry from mothers, daughters, and sisters who fly. And of course, a good dose of wry pilot humor is always welcome! Like the first book, Beyond Haiku: Pilots Write Poetry, this will be a shared creative effort, with all illustrations by children of pilots. Proceeds from the book will go to fund scholarships for young women who dream of a professional career as a pilot. Please submit a maximum of three original, unpublished haiku or short poems before March 31, 2021. Send them to [email protected] in an attached Word document. Include your name, city and country, and current flying assignment.

You can find Captain Linda Pauwels at her website,