VERTICON2025 Author Lift
We are GIVING books away at VERTICON2025!
Join us at the VAI Connect booth in the VERTICON Exhibit hall from 3:30-5pm on Wednesday, March 12th for the Author Lift event where, thanks to the generous sponsorship of Vertical Aviation International, we will enjoy an author meet & greet, book singings, and giveaways.
Fred and Peggy North will headline this event immediately following their conference presentation with a Q & A session on the VAI Connect stage then they’ll roll right into a book signing with their 2023 release, Flying Sideways: The Story of the World’s Most Famous Stunt Pilot.

They’ll be joined by an awesome lineup of authors including Army Apache, Blackhawk, and Little Bird pilots, a fellow Coast Guard Dolphin pilot, a Blackhawk mechanic and crew chief, a Coast Guard rescue swimmer, and I’ll be there representing author Charles Morgan Evans, the founding curator of the Hiller Aviation Museum, with his fantastic biography of pioneering battlefield surgeon and medevac pilot General Valerie Andre, Helicopter Heroine.

When the free copies run out, you can buy one! And if you can’t make the Wednesday evening event, check the VAI merchandise store where they’ll have copies of signed books for you to purchase.
When I’m not at the Author Lift event, you can probably find me hanging out with the Whirly Girls, so come by and say hi.
I look forward to seeing you all in Dallas!