Flying Fillies: The Sky’s the Limit

FLYING FILLIES is an adventure book for children about female pilots and growing up in World War 2.
nA surprise attack on Pearl Harbor plunges America into World War II! Defeat would mean a future too horrible to imagine, so every American must play their part, including 12-year-old Dawn Springfield. As if she didn’t have enough to worry about. Grieving over her beloved horse, Dawn is coping with moving, starting a new school, making new friends—and enemies. Now she has Hitler to deal with as well.
nUndeterred, Dawn volunteers at nearby Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas. Her aunt Georgia has joined the WASPWomen Airforce Service Pilots—a program that trains female pilots to fly military planes to relieve their male counterparts desperately needed on the battlefront. Only a few will be chosen; even fewer will survive the training—some won’t survive at all.
nThrough laughter and tears, triumph and disaster, Dawn watches the Flying Fillies, her nickname for the WASP, overcome every obstacle and soar to new heights. Their stories and sacrifice inspire her coming of age.
nHighly recommended by educators, parents, and teachers, this historical fiction book for children makes for an excellent resource to supplement the history curriculum in schools. And for parents who teach their kids at home, this is an excellent addition to the homeschool books.
nFlying Fillies showcases a LOOKING BACK section with vivid historical photos to bring to life real WW2 WASP in training, thanks to the support of the National WASP WWII Museum in Sweetwater, Texas.
nThis children’s book also includes ample archival images from war bonds to victory gardens and canning to illustrate the time and WWII history.
nA GLOSSARY enriches the historical details, including prominent WWII figures, popular 1940s terms, and other pertinent facts.
nA WW2 book for kids, Flying Fillies themes on personal growth, female empowerment, and building self-confidence through learning and doing. This inspiring story shares positive core values including:


  • Dream big.
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  • Seek positive role models.
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  • Volunteer for worthy causes.
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  • Keep a positive attitude.
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  • Develop early wins to build self-confidence.
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  • Be kind and respectful.
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  • Embrace failures for failures are the mother of success.
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  • Develop self-worth: knowledge, confidence, integrity.
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nKids historical fiction book for 8 & up

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