The Fabulous Flight of the Three Musketeers: A rollicking airplane adventure with a few thrills

“The Fabulous Flight of the Three Musketeers” is a memoir based upon the development and introduction of a newly-designed airplane. Trading upon the airplane’s name, Beech Aircraft Corp. devised in 1962 a 3-airplane, 90-day, 48-state introductory tour – which unintentionally became an extended service test. One hundred photos document the travels, and the author, who was one of the pilots (always flying in a dress and high heels), describes the escapades surrounding the unproven aircraft. Technical information for design improvements during the journey is included for pilot readers, while clear explanations of the challenges satisfy the curious non-pilot. The Three Musketeers tour nearly fifty years ago is a story of adventure, technology, travelogue, history and human challenge – including a surprising insight into the vast advances in aviation within the past half century. Most of all it’s great fun.

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