Flying, I Wonder….

“Flying, I Wonder…” “The Sky is the Limit,” a phrase we have all heard at some point in our life, means to shoot for the sky. I created Living Above the Limit to inspire others to go beyond even the sky, to imagine the endless possibilities of their dreams. As a third-generation pilot, I knew flying was destined to be in my blood. Flying is truly part of who I am. I have been involved with aviation since I was born, holding numerous positions in the aviation field, such as Flight Coordinator, Flight Instructor, Sea Plane Instructor, and SIC Beech Jet Charter Pilot.Parts of this book are based on my first experiences as a pilot. Some of my favorite flights involve taking those who have never flown on their first flight. I love watching and listening to their amazement as we lift off the ground and experience flight for the first time. I hope that you enjoy my book and strive to LIVE ABOVE THE LIMIT.

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